Yesterday Greek democracy raged against the dying of the light. Europe and the World should join us

By our unique Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis !

Yanis Varoufakis

Today, the people of Greece gave a vote of confidence to hope. They used the ballot box, in this splendid celebration of democracy, to put an end to a self-reinforcing crisis that produces indignity in Greece and feeds Europe’s darkest forces.

The people of Greece today sent a message of solidarity to the North, to the South, to the East and to the West of our continent. The simple message is that the time for crisis-denial, retribution and finger-pointing is over. That the time for the reinvigoration of the ideals of freedom, rationality, democratic process and justice has come in the continent that invented them.

Greek democracy today chose to stop going gently into the night.

Greek democracy resolved to rage against the dying of the light.

Fresh from receiving our democratic mandate, we call upon the people of Europe and, indeed, the world over, to join us in a…

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Published by

Katerina Gavrili

Counselor of personal development and Writter...

One thought on “Yesterday Greek democracy raged against the dying of the light. Europe and the World should join us”

  1. Despite the results of all this effort you are doing, i need to trully thank you. Because through your example and vision of how things really should work, you are teaching all of us how to handle our life and how to fight our own battles ! You are an inspiration through your example, for those who have eyes to see… and fortunately so many of us around the world have… I bet you were very much loved from your students, because its really obvious that you are a great teacher… You are teaching now, a whole nation how to act with integrity and fight with dignity. Thank you for that !

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